Simplusities by Lasean Cosmetics is an e-retailer whose aim is to bring the best quality high end and mid-range products to our customers at incredible prices.

It is our belief that reliable service begins with professional service, and includes reliable delivery and quality products, as such we aim to efficiently deliver to you our Customers Island wide, at your convenience while providing:

  • Top quality products and
  • The Best quality customer service

Did we mention that we’re social? Checkout our instagram feed below, and follow us on all social media platforms for regular product photo posting @Simplusities

Pormore Pines Plaza



Based on the customer’s location, A Simplusities Representative will make arrangements to meet with said customer at a convenient time, location and at a negotiated fee. Consultation Fees, which include the cost of transportation as well as the representatives’ fee, are Non-Refundable.

Due to the nature of the products we sell, All sale are final and we cannot accept returns on opened or used items such as Lipsticks, Brushes and any other item that is a potential carrier of bacteria with the exception that the product(s) has a manufacturer’s defect. In the event that the customer is not satisfied with the product that is received, the customer may refer to the Return & Exchange Information section of our page for the appropriate channels to follow. We are also conditionally willing to assist the client in reselling the item(s).

Yes we are just as concerned about your well-being as you are and will continue to strive towards only stocking products of good quality, that meet safety standards.

Our Whatsapp and DMs are always open. Just send us a message and we will definitely get back to you!

We currently Accept Cash, Credit/Debit Cards, Bank Transfers/Deposits. Bank Transfers or Deposits may be done through BNS (The Bank of Nova Scotia Jamaica) or NCB (National Commercial Bank of Jamaica).

Hours Of Operation
Monday: 10-7PM
Tuesday: 10-7PM
Wednesday: 10-7PM
Thursday: 10-7PM
Friday: 10-7PM
Saturday: 10-7PM
Sunday: CLOSED

If you’re interested in employment opportunities at Simplusities, please email us: [email protected]

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